Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Friday, July 17, 2009


Comment here if you want to talk to the Queens or kits.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Hey Newlight, how old are Bumblekit, Eaglekit, Tawnykit and Rosekit? I think it might be coming close to the time that they become apprentices.

Anonymous said...

They r just about 5 moons!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Do you want me to make them apprentices?

Anonymous said...

ummmmm..... they learn so quick make seakit, robinkit, sktkit and dawnkit apprentices!!!!!! They r mature enough!!!!!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

So just them, not the other four

Anonymous said...

yep! my kits that r really mine need their mommy a little longer like a moon!!!!!!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Emma said...

I can't wait to be apprenticed!!!
Yeah, the nursery is so BORING!
Shh, you'll wake up Newlight's kits.
Then can we go outside?
Sure, go get a mouse and split it between the two of you. Glimmerkit, you go too... how about you race?
Okay, Sundapple. I'm gonna win!

Gosh, they're bouncing off the walls! It's about time for them to get apprenticed.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

O.k. Do you want to suggest any mentors? I don't mind, It would make my job more easy.

Pouncekit said...

Pouncekit padded into the Nursery, tail down and ears drooping. "H-hello? Is anyone here?" She mewed quietly. The pretty she-cat crouched down in the corner and sighed.

Pouncekit said...

The small kit heard her belly growl with hunger and accidently sneezed. "Sorry." She mewed.

Pouncekit said...

Burying her muzzle between her paws, Pouncekit sneezed violently. Lifting her head, she slipped out to the Medicine Cat's den.

Riverkit said...

~walks into the nursery and looks around~
Hi, I'm Riverkit. I just joined. My mother abandoned me and I knew of you so I came here. Where do I sleep.

adele ☂ said...

I'm Volefur. So, there she was. Moondapple glanced down at her paws. "Why were you chasing that feather? You could have died!" hissed Lighningstar. "Why were you chasing it?" she asked. "Well, it seemed to mean something." said Moondapple as she stared into the distance. "Fine. You are now banished from our Clan. Do not come back. You have shamed us far too many times." hissed Lightningstar. Moondapple turned tail and fled the spot. She wandered into the star-filled cave and nuzzled a rock. That night, our warrior ancestors visited her in her dream. They told her of other cats with the same talents and problems, and revealed that she was the first medicine cat. The End.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Seems like the same story as the first medicine cat of windclan....

Willowmoon said...

*Curls up, yawns, then goes to sleep*

adele ☂ said...

That's where I got my story from.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(Padds Into nursery)
So i'll be sleeping here for a while.
(makes nest and climbs into it)

Willowmoon said...

[A spasm of pain goes through her body] My kits are coming! [Wave after wave of pain comes and goes. At last, two little bundles are nestled in the curve of her belly] I will call the blue-gray she-kit Mistkit, and the black tom will be Nightkit. [She starts to lick the kits. As she does this, both kits star to purr. Love fills her.]

Dapplestar said...

Are you okay Willowmoon? Here's some borage. Eat these poppy seeds too.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Their so cute!

Willowmoon said...

*Eats Borage* I'm fine. Thanks!

Willowmoon said...

Mistkit's Photo:

Nightkit's Photo:

TeamJake4evr said...

I'm here.Brightflower I don't think eating poppy seeds is good for her.

MadiShae said...

hello queens i'm new to the clan with my kits stormkit, hazelkit, moonkit, jumpkit, and patchkit

Willowmoon said...

Join Ivyclan! You can join at :

And no, i'm not the leader. That's a different Willowstar.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(Agonizing pains rippled through her body)

TeamJake4evr said...

I'm here!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(pain ripples more thruogh her)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(they start geting more more powerfull, racking her body in pain, and then, three wet bundles are on the floor of the nest)
Finally, it's over.
(starts liking them)


TeamJake4evr said...

Hnm heres some borage it will help your milk com the kits are healthy thank starclan all that oain is worth it.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

thanx (eats borage). I just made a new post. Anywayz, the She-cat is Briarkit and the toms are Hawkkit and Ravenkit.!!

Anonymous said...

They're really cute. Congrats! :P

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Thanx! I haven't had pictures for them yet since I'm so busy with my other blog.

☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

congrats willowmoon and Swiftstar they are very cute thanks for letting me join to swiftstar

MadiShae said...

they are adorable!

Willowmoon said...

*Purrs happily*

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Riverkit said...

~sits in corner and looks around curiously at the queens and kits. Suddenly she starts coughing hoarsely~
I...don't...feel...good...I' the...'s...den...
~Runs out of nursery coughing~

Anonymous said...

Join Moonclan at:

☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

Willowmoon wanna join my clan?

Poisenstar said...

*whimpers* i *groans* think my kits *groans again* are coming. *whimpers* get a medicine cat *groans then whimpers*

Anonymous said...

O.k. (runs out)

Gazestripe said...

Oh! No! (pian ripples thruogh her body) my kits are coming too! (more pain racks her body)


☪Dream said...

[Runs in with poppy seeds and borage]

It's okay!

I think it is too late for poppyseeds!


Gazestripe said...

(starts panting, and is about to black out, the pain increased, and the, the pain, stopped, and two wet bundles were huddled nextx to her, and she starts licking them)

Oh! A she-kit and a tom! Now what should I name them.......

MadiShae said...

That was wander full Songbird and Gazestripe. You did a wonderful job, you too, Sagepaw. **Purrs** They're beautiful. And you can go ahead and give them the poppyseads, it'll help them sleep, not just for pain. Also lets go collect some herbs, were running low on borage, poppy seeds, and catmint. Leaffall is coming soon, we want to be ready for any early whitecough.

(P.S. It's My BirthDay!)


☪Dream said...

Okay Brownspots!And thanks!

[pads off after brownspots after giving the two queens the borage]


flamepaw said...

swiftstar you there if she is not hear someone else answer

Gazestripe said...

I'll name them...... Featherkit and Lionkit

Anonymous said...

*lies down ad warms her belly which is heavy with kits*


MadiShae said...

**Pants Hard** Kits-**Pants** Coming! Blazefoot get Browspots!


MadiShae said...

Licks kits. The black tom will be Greenkit. For his green eyes. The dark gray tom will be Sootkit. The black, ginger, and white tortoiseshell she-kit will be spottedkit.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

oK, I added all of them

Dove said...

*Riverclaw walks into the Nursery and looks around, It looks just as it did the last time she was here as a kit*"Hello I will be staying here for now"*Riverclaw settles in a nest near Lighttail*"Hello Lighttail, how have you been?"

Silverleaf said...

Hi Lighttail, Im Russetkit! ~~Russetkit

Im Sunkit, nice to meet you! ~~Sunkit

Mousefoot said...

"Hi i'm Mousefoot" She lumbered in the nursery. "I'm new here. I'm onna have my kits in about a moon"

Dove said...

welcome Mousefoot.-Riverclaw

MadiShae said...

**Walked into the nursery and dropped a vole at Riverclaw's Feet** Hi, I brought you some fresh-kill. I wish I could stay, but I'm guarding camp. **Nuzzles her ear and walks Out**


Dove said...

Thank you!*Riverclaw calls after her mate*-Riverclaw

MadiShae said...

**He flicks his tail in a signal that he's Heard**

**Walks in the nursery and sits down beside Riverclaw** I oganized the patrols early so I could spend more time with you. **Nuzzles her Cheek** How are doing? **He said looking over at the kits playing in the Nursery** It won't be long until ours are born. Do you need anything? Fresh-kill, sonme extra moss. . . . . . .


Dove said...

No thanks. I'm fine.*Riverclaw says kindly*-Riverclaw

(I will only be on the computer on the weekends for a while because my dad took my computer away so when i go to my grand parents on the weekend i will be on here... I hope that makes sence!)

MadiShae said...

(Yeah, it does! I'm just used to telling people that I comment cause Willowfeather and I do that.)

Dove said...

(ah i see, metaphorically speeking)

MadiShae said...

Leads Swiftstar into the nursery and into a nest. "Lilypaw," she called. "This will be your first training session. Kitting. Find two poppy seeds, black little dots, borage, dark green leaves with a milky scent, and raspberry leaves, leaves like borage, but spiky." She turned back to Swiftstar. "Breath," she says laying a paw on her stomach and it convulsed. "The first one's coming."


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar slightly nodded, panting. Then she moaned.


Briarberry was outside, organizing cats.

"Lointooth, could you guard the nusery entrance. Make sure no one comes in. They can not be disturbed. Got it?" she moewed.

The younger warrior nodded, and sat in front of the nursery entrance.


MadiShae said...

She said, "First one out." As a (Whatever Gender and Color) kit plopped out.

(Want anything to happen? Blood?)


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(yep. Female, black pelt blue eyes) Swiftstar gasped in pain as the first one came out. (there's gonna be four)


Hawkeyes, just getting back, sneaked through the camp entrance. Briarberry noticed him

"Just where have you been? with no prey." she threatened.

hawkeyes wasn't fazed. "I was patroling alone." he said confidentley.

"And who said you could?" she asked back.

"Who died to make you deputy?" he snorted, ignoring her and padding off towards the nursery.


MadiShae said...

She gasped as blood poured out, but said of another kit coming out. She grabbed some unused moss and cobwebs to stop bleeding.


He walked over calmly to his former apprentice and nodded to Briarberry. "I happen to be alive, but she's right. Or would you rather clean out the elders' den like the apprentice your acting like," he snorted.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Sorry" he mumbled, then headed towards the direction of the nursery.


Swiftstar looked down to see blood poor out of her. (next is a dark grey tom)
Her head started swimming, and she felt like she wouldn't be conscience much lonher.


MadiShae said...

"Your doing fine," she murmured, as she helped a weak looking kit come out. "One more, stay concious just a bit longer."


He stopps Hawkeyes. "Just where do you think your going? No one in the nursery but queens and kits," he says.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"okay!" he said, frutrated, and padded towars the nursery. But he started stalking oward it when Stormwater wasn'tlooking.

"No on'es aloud in." Liontooth said sternly.

"Or that's what you think!" Hawkeyes said, and leaped on top of Liontooth, and the two of them roll around on the ground.

(as no one sees this yet, kk?)


Swiftstar nodded slightly, almost feeling as if she would die. She was weak, and could barely help the kits come out.


MadiShae said...


Swiftstar let out a spasm, and the last kit came out. "They're beaitiful," she breathed, almost jelous, at the black she-kit with blue eyes, gray tom, ________, and ________.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(torioseshell shecat and pure white she-cat with bright eyes)

swiftstar heard Brownspots say something, but she couldn't hear her. She got weaker, and everything went black.


HAwkeyes doudged Liontooth's attack, and then sank his teeth deep into the golden warriors neck, and he fell the the ground, limp and lifeless. He was about to walk into the nursery, when Stormwater came up behind him.

(Oh no, and now he comes...)


MadiShae said...

"Great StarClan!" he growled. "You killed L-Liontooth. Leave. Now. Don't act like I don't know you go to Brokenclan."


She helped the kits start to suckle, then cleaned up the mess, helping Swiftstar wake up. "You have three she-kits and a tom."


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Hawkeyes knew it was over, and it was not logical that he should stay. He stalked out of camp.

"Brokenclan will defeat you!" He spat over his shoulder.


Swiftstar woke up in a clearing, noticing she had lost another life.

"Swiftstar!" she heard a familiar mew.

The cat padded forward, and swiftstar recognized him.

"L-liontooth?" she asked. What was he doing here?
"How'd you get here? Is starclan sending you a sign?" she asked.

"An uneccecary death has occured, Swiftstar! You must not let any others die because of broken promises!" he said.

An unnececary death shall follow
one will betray the clan he saved once...someone whispered in Swiftstar's ear.

Then she was plunged into reality, with the smell of blood and fear. "I-I've lost a life." she told Brownspots.

"Liontooth is dead!" someone wailed. and swiftstar felt grief.


MadiShae said...

"Briaryberry, Ravenwing, chase him out and make sure he crosses the border," he orders.


"I heard about Liontooth. And I know that you lost a life. What's that? 7 left? Your kits? You gonna name them?" she says impatiently.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenfeather and Briarberry nodded, and Raced out of camp.


"Yes. Now....." she said.

"The dark grey tom shall be Breezekit. The white she-kit will be Frostkit. The Torioseshell she-cat wil be Willowkit. And the black she-kit would be..." she paused, noticing that that one kit looks just like her.

"Faytekit" she said, thinking it was Unique. (tee hee)


MadiShae said...

(Oh, really? Why would you use thaaaat?)

"Sounds good," she says bleakly, but gives Swiftstar herbs.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(lol and haha)

Swiftstar ate the herbs,.

"How did Liontooth die?"Swiftstar asked, clueless.


MadiShae said...

"Stormwater said that Hawkeyes was trying to get into the nursery and attacked Liontooth and killed him. Then he told him to leave and sent Ravenfeather and Briarberry to chase him off back to BrokenClan," she said hollowly.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar just stared back in shock.

"T-that's impossible!" she stammered.


MadiShae said...

"It's not. Ask Stormwater yourself," she says.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar felt ashamed. "My own son.. she said. It's all my fault!" she yowled.


MadiShae said...

"Calm down, it's not your fault. he's in BrokenClan now where he belongs," she replies.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"starclan choose him! He was part of a prophecy too! Why?" she said, becoming distressed.


MadiShae said...

"Don't shout, both your kits and yourself are weak," she hushed.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Okay" she said, trying to calm down. Tears welled up in her eyes.


MadiShae said...

"What's wrong?" she asks.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"It's the uneccecary death.. Liontooth! And Hawkeyes beytrayed us!" she said, suddenly figuring it out.


MadiShae said...

"We know."


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"The prophecy!" She gasped. "It's started!" she said.


MadiShae said...

"It did the day you-" she broke of and shook her head.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar stared at Brownspots in confusion.

"Didi what ?" she asked.


MadiShae said...

"Go with Thunderspirit," she whispered.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar looked down, shame paining her eyes.

"I'm a traitor!" She meowed.


MadiShae said...

She sighed. "Maybe, but you need some sleep," she said giving her two poppy seeds.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Okay" She said, licking them up.


Briarberry sat outside, grieving for Liontooth.
"Hawkeyes!" She spat at ravenfeather. "I should've known!!"


MadiShae said...

Stormwater sat with his head bowed over Liontooth's body.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Faytekit opened her eyes for the first time, astonished how big her surroundings were.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "Where am I?" she asked.


MadiShae said...

She snapped her head around. "Swiftstar, Faytekit's opened her eyes. In the BriarClan nursery," she replied.


After grieving almost till sunrise, he started pacing, until he asked Briarberry if he go into the nursery.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"I think it's fine to now." Briarberry said.


Swiftstar turned to look at faytekit.

"Your in Briarclan" she meowed to Faytekit, eyes shining.


MadiShae said...

He nodded and walked in and started blurting stuff to Swiftstar. "Hawkeyes knows too much. BrokenClan could attack. They could be coming right now! Hawkeyes said BrokenClan will always win. Should we attack?"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"We do know for sure when they'll attack" she meowed. "But we will attack if we see any sign of them on our territory." she added.


MadiShae said...

"We do?" he says.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(I mean we don't know)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Kool!" Faytekit said. "I bet briarclan is the best clan ever!"


MadiShae said...

"Ok," he says and backs out of the nursery.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Breezekit, wake up!" she said to Breezekit. Breezekit sat up.

"Were in briarcaln!" Faytekit told him

"awesome!" he said.


MadiShae said...

"Yes, you are. Welcome," she said warmly.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

I faytestar, and you are trusspassing on my territory!". -faytekit. Breezekit snArled back. "so?" faytekit took a step forward, up in breezekits face. So you must be taught a lesson!" she yowled, lepibg on Breezekit and the two of them rolled on the floor in a mock fight.

Dove said...

Riverclaw watches the kits play, knowing she will be having her kits soon.

Dove said...

*Riverclaw woke up from her nap and gaspped in pain... Her kits were comeing!* Get Brownspots my kits are coming! *riverclaw gaspped as more pain rippeled through her boddy. it was too late for brownspots to get there, her kits were already comeing. a second later a she-kit that looked just like Stormwater, but another kit was to be borne. Another second later a lifeless tom was borne* Get Stormwater *riverclaw whispered to the nearest cat, then took her last breath. the hungary she-kit was meowing loudly by her lifeless mother and brothers sides.*

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Frostkit looked at Riverclaw lying there, and Anger purned in her eyes.

Whoever do this.... will pay! she vowed, and Scampered off to get Brownspots and Stormwater.


MadiShae said...

He skidded into the nursery. "Nooo!" he yowled at the sight of his dead mate and newborn tom.


Dove said...

The small gray she-kit mewled helplessly next to her lifeless mother.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Featherleaf's eyes widened and she felt a painful spasm go through her. The kits were coming!


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon ran over to Featherleaf "The kits?" she asked urgently, then she gaspedand collapsed on the ground

"Oh great,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Featherleaf winced, but chuckled.

"Everything here happens at the same time, huh?" she said lightly.


Copperflare poked his head out and looked at the two she-cats. The kits were coming. Frantically he searched for Lilyfrost.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon laughed "Well this is interesting!" she purred then winced. The first kit was coming soon


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare looked around, she wasn't in her den. He turned to the closest cat, Briarberry.

"Where's Lilyfrost?" he asked urgently.

"Not here, she went out collecting herbs. Why?" she asked.

"Featherleaf and Frostymoon are having the kits!" he exclaimed.

"Try Duskpaw, she used to hang around Brownspots alot." Briarberry said.

"Ok" Copperflare said.


Featherleaf winced, the pain wasn't ebbing. She looked up to see Copperflare rush in with Duskpaw at his heels.

"Lilyfrost isn't here, so i brought Duskpaw, she knows a lot about medicine cat stuff." he explained in a rush, and Duskpaw hurried over to them.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon winced and tried to smiled at Copperflare "W-were fine,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare still flashed both of them a worried look.


Featherleaf tried not to writhe, but she felt the first kit come, and Duskpaw rushed over to her first, nipping it's sack.

Featherleaf felt blood begin to flow from her.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon winced as the first kit came out it took all her strength not to yowl and claw at the ground


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"No, oh no!" she said looking at Featherleaf but then nipped Frostymoon's kit's sac. Blood was all around Featherleaf, and she tried to find some good moss.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon winced, trying to push the kit out, nothing ws happening she looked over to Featherleaf "Whats going on!"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"She's loosing to much blood!" Duskpaw said, and the second one came out in a bloody mess. Duskpaw made sure the kit was bleeding then pushed some moss on Featherleaf, who was now lying limp.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon pushed one more time, the kits came out, her body relaxed "Featherleaf!" she yowled looking at the limp body


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Duskpaw cheked that all the kits were breathing, examining Featherleaf.

She felt cold.

"No...." she whispered in horror. "she's dead. "


The loss and greif stuck him like a claw, and also held him in place.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon felt tears fall down her cheeks, she looked at the two kits she had given birth to "No... who will take care of her kits?"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Duskpaw looked at her, her eyes round with sorrow.

"Can you?" she asked quietly, at the same time Copperflare lunged forward and pressed her nose into Featherleaf's fur.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon felt tears burn her cheeks, "Of course," She looked at her two kits, both She-cats. She looked tearfully at Copperflare


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Wordlessly Duskpaw carried Featherleaf's kits to Frostymoon.


Copperflare looked back, his vision blurry.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon swallowed "Copperflare, It's only right you name the kits,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

He padded over, looking at his and Featherleaf's two kits, both toms.

"Spiritedkit and Burntkit." he whispered, touching each kit's head with his tail.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon nodded and looked at both of her kits "Emberkit and... Thistlekit"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Those are wonderful names." he said.


Duskpaw vanished, gone to find some warriors to carry Featherleaf's body into the clearing.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon looked sadly at Featherleaf's body "She would have loved them," she mewed her eyes filling with fresh tears. She looked down at the four kits, realizing for the first time that they were kin, Emberkit and Thistlekit were kin to Spiritedkit and Burntkit!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare nodded solemly.


Duskpaw came back with Briarberry and Gazestripe to carry the body away.


After putting her body down in the center of the clearing, the frail elder touched her nose into Featherleaf's fur.

May starclan light your path, my daughter.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon closed her eyes exaughsted "I'm sorry, they will be great warrior Copperflare, all of them,:


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"I know they will." he whispered.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon swallowed "I think all of us should sit vigil for Featherleaf tonight," she mewed


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare nodded, and looked down at his kits.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon took Emberkit and Thistlekit in her mouth, ready to bring them over to sit vigil


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare did the same for Burntkit and Spiritedkit.


Emberkit mewed.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon layed beside Featherleaf Curling around her two kits waiting for Copperflare to set Down Featherleaf's kits


Thistlekit rolled over burying herself deeper in her mother's fur because of the sudden coldness


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare set Spiritedkit and Burntkit down next to frostymoon, his eyes trained to Featherleaf's body.


Duskpaw looked around quickly, not knowing if anyone was watching her but slunk out the entrance of camp.


✠Ember✠ said...

Spiritedkit stood on shaky legs, he smelt his mother she was a little ways away from the strange she-cat who had milk, he stumbled over to his mother "Mama?" he squeaked waiting for her to answer him


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Copperflare looked from his son to Frostymoon.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon paniced taking Spiritedkit in her mouth "I'm right here," she purred licking down his fur


Spiritedkit tilted his head then began to nurse, this was his mother or she wouldn't have milk, or be curling around him and his brother and apparently his other two littermates


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Burntkit pricked his ears.


Copperflare smiled.


Duskpaw ran though the forest for a while, leaning agains to tree and panting.


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon leaned against Copperflare "They should think I'm their mother for now, we'll tell them I'm not eventually"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Ok." he whispered.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Emberkit woke up, sitting up and swinging her head from side to side.


✠Ember✠ said...

Thistlekit sat up tackling her sister playfully


Frostymoon rested her head on Copperflare's shoulder her eyes swimming with sadness


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare looked down at her solemly.


Emberkit squeaked, rolling on the ground.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Burntkit's head shot up as well, and he stretched open his eyes.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Featherleaf is looking down on you and the kits right now, I'm sure,"


Spiritkit opened startlingly blue eyes he padded over to Thistlekit pulling her off Emberkit playfully and squeaking in surprise when Thistlekit fell over on him


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Copperflare nodded, closing his eyes and turning his head up to the sky


Emberkit laughed quietly, and Burntkit got up, climbing onto her and making her fall down.


Formerly-Sunset said...

Poppyleaf crawed into the the warm den, not feeling like herself. The small queen found a cozy nest waiting for her and plopped down in it. She felt odd because her belly was so big, and she was so used to being small. She looked around, and felt odd again, not knowing anyone. She felt alone. She stryed to curl up, but her belly was too big. So, she just sprawled out. He pretty brown tabby pelt wasn't very well groom, she could not reach all of her pelt to groom it.


Formerly-Sunset said...

Poppyleaf sat lonely, feeling a bit unwelcome. Maybe I should go get to know the other cats. That might make me feel more welcome... she thought. Struggling to her paws, Poppyleaf squeezed out of then den and into the clearing hoping to meet some of the other cats.


Butterflyclaw said...

Daisykit woke with a yawn. She looked around the nursery, feeling lonley. [i]I wonder if any of the kits will play?[/i] She thought.

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