Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Elder's den

Comment here to talk to the elders


Emma said...

Great job, my kits!
Also, Swiftstar, if it's okay i would like to stay in the nursery.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Anonymous said...

Join Moonclan at:

Willowmoon said...
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Danielle said...

Anyone want to jion my blog

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Settles down in her nest and dozes off.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Oh, yeah.


Dove said...

*Blazenose walks into the den and says*Stormwater says that all of you can come to the Gathering.-Blazenose

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Gazestripe cracked open her eyes.

Wow... I remeber when this clan first started. I waz Gazepaw. Sandbreeze's appretice. the elder remembered.


Anonymous said...

(O.o I forgot about Briarclan. Sorry!)

Spiderclaw yawned, then looked at Gazestripe. "Hello," she rasped, pawing at her moss nest.