Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Friday, July 31, 2009

a lot of news

I made a new backround for the header!! Also, Sundapple and her kits have joined the clan!! And I made a warriors den, apprentices den and more under the list of dens and others, and I am writing the daily patrols and new members in the annoncements column right on top of the posts. One more thing, Songleaf has not even commented once since she joined, so I am looking for a possible replcement Med. cat or apprentice. I sent a warning that she will be deleted soon if she does not.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm back and other news!!

I am back from my cruise and had lots of fun!! The results of the poll came in, and most cats like shadowclan best! Thanx Sandbreeze for taking care of the clan. Anyways, for those of you who want to join, i will get to you soon and please make sure you comment on the JOIN BRIARCLAN HERE page. And no more queens and kits starting now! Also, Gazepaw is out of the medicine cat's den and can resume her trianing with Sandbreeze. I want the four new apprentices to go hunting with their mentors for an early assesment, and Sandbreeze will organize the patrols. Make sure you check for any traces of the fox we chased out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello world!

I am goin' on a cruise to alaska tomorrow and won't be back till the next week. There internet on the ship, but you have to pay for it so I'll only be on the blog every couple of days. Also, you see i changed the template, the other one was getting kinda boring, so... More news, Olive tree is making a new and Improved Header, And will be on here in a couple of days (mabye) Sandbreeze, take care of the clan in my Absence.


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Will all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here underneath the Thickbranch for a clan meeting! we have some very good news. First off, Spiderclaw and Shadowpelt have joined as warriors. Spiderclaw! Shadowpelt! Spiderclaw! Shadowpelt! Secondly, starclan has spoken, and they have chosen Fernpaw as Briarclan's next Medicine cat. Fernpaw! Fernpaw! Fernpaw! Hopefully Songleaf will take her to the moonpool the next full moon. Third, Songbird has joined the clan, and is expecting kits!! Songbird! Songbird! Songbird! Let's hope she settles into the nursery well. A last, Seakit, Skykit, Dawnkit, and Robinkit have reached their sixth moon. They are ready to become apprentices. Step forward. Seakit, Skykit, Dawnkit, and Robinkit, from this moment onward, until you receive your warrior names you will be known as Seapaw, Skypaw, Dawnpaw, and Robinpaw.
Mudfrost you are ready for an apprentice, teach Seapaw your cleverness.
Spottedpath you've earned an apprentice, teach Skypaw your kindness
Spiderclaw, I think you've desired one, teach Dawnpaw your bravery.
Brambleheart, your in need of an apprentice, teach Robinpaw you smartacles.

Thanx for joining!!

Medicine cat's den

Comment here to talk to the medicine cats


~Ajwain-Small seeds eaten to cleanse a cat’s stomach, or chewed up and applied to irritated or swollen area to heal it.

~Alder Bark-Used for tooth aches or jaw pain.

~Aloe Vera-Speeds up the healing of topical wounds, relieves heartburn and indigestion, and also works as a laxative if consumed regularly.

~Anise-Gets rid of bad smelling breath.

~Apple Mint-Juice can be used to heal an illness, but consuming too much could the cat more ill.

~Ash Tree-New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed to ward off the effects of a adder. Seeds of the Ash tree may also be consumed to relieve a cramp in ones side.

~Barberry-Small red berries that grow in clumps in a needle tree; good source of vitamin c, every cat is recommended to eat a few once in a while, even though it has a tangy taste.

~Bee Balm-Used for throat infections and minor wounds; should be applied to skin after a thorn or splinter has been removed.

~Borage Leaves-One of the best things to give to a cat with a fever, and helps nursing queens produce milk

~Bone Berry-Hence it’s name, it has nothing to do with bones, but is commonly used for improving eyesight, if one has blurry vision, these berries are sure to help.

~Broken Rosemary Blossoms-Used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

~Broom Poultice-A combination of different herbs, used to treat wounds and broken legs.

~Bush Raisin-a sweet berry given to kits to ease pain from injuries; has no affect on full grown warriors, little affect to apprentices.

~Burdock Root-Given to a cat with a rat bite (A root that is chewed up and given to a cat)

~Cat Nip-Given to a cat with Greencough or Blackcough(A a green plant that is chewed up and distributed-it has a flavorful aroma)

~Celandine-Given to a cat with pain in the eyes.~Charmoline-Given to a cat to help "Calm the Mind" or soothe the stomach(A type of plant that is chewed up and distributed)

~Chervil-The juice of the leaves heals infected wounds, and if you chew the root it helps bellyache (A helpful plant, leaves and root can be chewed up and distributed)

~Chicory-A plant used for small cuts, sinus problems, and also helps a cat regain appetite.

~Colt's foot-Used to treat kit cough, Also used to help stimulate breathing.

~Cob Webs-Given to a cat to help stop the bleeding(of a wound etc.)~(A wad of cobwebs is pressed onto the wound or cut)

~Comfrey-When chewed into a poultice and applied, can clear up pretty much any skin irritation, including burns, cuts and mosquito bites. Can also mend broken bones.

~Neem Oil-Oil from a tree used to treat burned skin and a few types of rashes.

~Neem Twigs-Used to keep good hygene.~Neem Seeds-Small seeds chewed, not swallowed, to improve hygene, and reverses any addiction the cat may have.

~Peathingy Flower Petals-Used to help a kit with kitten cough. Will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages.

~Poppy Seeds-Given to a cat to ease the pain, or to help them sleep~(Seeds shaken from a poppy plant and licked up)

~Quince Fruit-The pit is good for sore throught and cough. It has a sour taste, but if dried, will turn sweet.

~Riberry-A sweet tasting berry which is chewed and applied to a sore area to cool it down. Good for bee stings.

~Rue-Used for sore eyes and repels insects. Chew up and apply.

~Sage-The roots are used for cracked pads. Use with poppy seads.

~Snapdragon Seeds-Used to clear up ringworm and to help rid the body of fleas.

~Sugar Berries-Have no medical properties, but can trick ticks into eating something not so tasty. Are easily mistaken for deathberries, but can be determined by the fact that birds can eat them, while they usually stay away from deathberries.

~Tansy-Relieves a cough.

~Thinned Out Heather Down-Used to help with the indigestion of a kit. It will help to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling.

~Thyme-Given to a cat in a state of shock, helps to cure shock~(A useful plant which is chewed up and distributed)~

~Water Mint-Used to cure bellyache. Found near marshy land and water.

~Willow Leaves and Bark-Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be put into the eyes to help clear clouding of vision. It also cures itches.Small amounts of Willow Bark may be eaten as a pain killer. It will also help cure fevers.

~Windflower Shoots-Used for stomach cramps, such as cramps that came when a she-cat becomes pregnant.

~Wintergreen-Berries can be used for headache, fever, sore throat, aches and pains.

~Yarrow-Given to a cat to make them sick~(A certain type of leaf/herb which is chewed up and distributed)

This herb list is from:

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I made a story about my life and how Briarclan started. Hope you enjoy!

P.s. I put shadowclan cats from sunrise in there.

Swiftstar’s StoryWith Shadowclan’s secretI was born as a rouge, living near an abandoned twoleg nest. My mother, Kiki, always talked about this vast lake a half days' journey from our den. She tells those stories often, and I've always dreamed of going there. The way she describes this lake, with trees filled with mice, rivers full of fish, and moors full of rabbits, it seems like paradise.

One day, Kiki took me out to go hunting, I spotted a mouse. And it spotted me. I went right after it, dodging trees and briars. This looks a little different. Pine needles cracked under my feet, as I pursued the mouse. Wait a second, there aren’t any pine trees here!

I heard Kiki cry out "Swift, come back!" The mouse scurried away out of reach. Hey! I could’ve caught that!“Kiki!” I was about to say, but before I knew it, three dark shapes slipped from the darkness. There was a big brown tom, with a long scar across his back, a black and white tom, and a young gray she-cat.The black and white tom stepped forward.

"Trespassers! And stealing prey too!" He looked at the other two members of his group."Ratscar, Shrewpaw attack!” Their claws unsheathed. “You’ve made a mistake-” But my mother's speech was cut short a two of the cats leaped at her.

The one named Shrewpaw was heading right towards me. I tried to run, but my legs buckled underneath me as she jumped on top of me. Then, I struggled to fight, but after a few heart beats Shrewpaw dragged me over to the other cats.

I found Kiki's body lying motionless on the ground."No!” I wailed. My mother was dead! What am I going to do without her?"This is what happens to cats who steal from Shadowclan.” The big black and white tom growled."We have decided to spare you. Join Shadowclan, or end up like her." He pointed his long tail to my mother. It seemed like a hard decision, but by instinct, I quickly nodded.

The big tom's name is Crowfrost, I had heard. The had led me to their 'camp'. We passed more tall pine trees, and a yucky scent was everywhere. As soon as we got to a bramble tunnel, a big white tom with black paws stood at the entrance."We have found an outsider that is fit to be an apprentice, Blackstar" Crowfrost meowed.“We found her lurking on our territory. Her name is said to be Swift.” An apprentice, what’s that? And I wasn’t lurking on their territory! I crossed the border by mistake!I was just about to object when Blackstar finally spoke. “Good. It seems you’ve been keeping a look-out like I asked. Shadowclan needs more apprentices. Leaf-bare has taken most of our kits. She does not smell of twolegs, so she must be a rouge, and not a kittypet. We will have an apprentice naming ceremony at dawn." Blackstar meowed.

They introduced me to the entire clan. Most of them seemed pretty nice. Especially Littlecloud, the medicine cat and his apprentice, Flamepaw. Soon, nightfall came. I slept in the apprentices’ den that night. Olivepaw was really nice, and let me use the nest next to her.

The next morning, Snaketail woke me up. I uncurled and groomed scraps of moss out of my fur. Looking up, I saw the creamy light of dawn was seeping through the branches of the den. Outside I heard Blackstar yowl “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highbranch for a clan meeting!”Then I heard many footsteps as the whole clan withdrew from their dens. “It’s time for you to become an apprentice.” Snaketail meowed. I stepped out of the den.

“It is time for an outsider to join the clan. She has willingly accepted it. It is also good that she is a rouge, and unlike that kittypet, Firestar. Swift, step forward.” Blackstar announced. I stepped right in front of Blackstar, who was perched on a high branch. “For now on until she earns her warrior name she will be called Swiftpaw” He looked at Toadfoot. “Toadfoot, you haven’t had an apprentice yet, but I expect you to pass down your skills to Swiftpaw.” I touched noses with him. I was part of the clan!

Moons later, I was on patrol with Toadfoot, Crowfrost, and Olivepaw. We were ordered to set markings around the clearing in Thunderclan’s territory. When we were half-way through, a Thunderclan patrol leaped at us. Toadfoot ordered Olivepaw to run and get help. When we were holding them off, my paws felt as light as air, moving as swift as a shadow.Eventually, the reinforcements arrived and we won. When we returned, Blackstar called a meeting. She gave me and Olivepaw our warrior names. The familiar words where spoken, and he gave her the name of Olive heart, and I was named Swiftshadow. As all of Shadowclan chanted my name, I knew this is where I belonged, living by lake, just like my dreams.

Afterward, I felt living in Shadowclan felt wrong. The next night, Starclan visited me in my dreams. They said “Swiftshadow, you can stay in Shadowclan no longer, you must go and build your own clan. You will find loyal and trustworthy cats that will stand by your side. You will be Swiftstar, leader of Briarclan. The next day, I announced that I was leaving the clan. Then I set off to look for these great cats. And that’s when Briarclan started……….

New Warrior

Will all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here underneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Mudpaw, step forward. You fought with bravery and cleverness during the fox chase, it is time for you to become a warrior.

I, Swiftstar, leader of Briarclan call apon my warrior ancestors to look down at this apprentice. She has trained to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her as a warrior in your turn. Mudpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan, even if it costs your life?

(says I do)

Then by the powers of starclan I give you your warrior name. Mudpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Mudfrost. Starclan honors your cleverness and loyalty.

Mudfrost! Mudfrost! Mudfrost!

Tonight you will sit vigil in the camp alone.

(also Mudfrost, I updated your pic.)

I also have grave news. Runningpaw has died of a bite from a large adder. She came to me and told me we have a large adder nest somewhere in our territory. Sandbreeze, make sure each patrol has three warriors. We will sit vigil for Runningpaw tonight alongside Mudfrost.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Comment here if you want to talk to the Queens or kits.

Leader's Den

Comment here to talk to me.


Comment here to talk to your mate. Or try to find one. If you are going to be mates with someone else, ask their permission first.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A fox has been scented on the territory!! Sandbreeze, Brambleheart, Mudpaw, Gazepaw, and I will try to chase them out. The rest of you stay here and guard the camp. If your ready to go on the patrol, please comment here. Also, Newlight has offered to take care of the kits. Let's hope she can handle eight.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


as i was walking on the border today, i found a pair of lost kits and decided to take them into briarclan. Their names are Seakit, Robinkit, Dawnkit, and Skykit.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


We have good news and bad news. The good news is that Gazepaw has joined the clan. Sandbreeze, you are ready for an apprentice, you will mentor Gazepaw.Gazepaw! Gazepaw! Gazepaw! And Newlight's kits have been named: Bumblekit, Eaglekit, Tawnykit, and Rosekit. The bad news is that Snowpaw has left the clan. Runningpaw is the only medicine cat apprentice now.:-(

thanx for joining the clan!

The thickbranch

this is where clan meetings are held

Friday, July 10, 2009


If you own a clan, and want to be Brairclan's ally, comment here

I'm back

I'm back!!
Thank you, Sandbreeze, for taking care of the clan while I was gone. I have decided that we should have 2 medicine cat apprentices. Runningheart has decided to take on that role. Runningheart! Runningheart! Runningheart! Also Newlight, a queen, has decided to join the clan. She has four kits. Newlight! Newlight! Newlight! I hope Newlight makes herself home in the nursery, and Songleaf will take Runningheart to meet with starclan.

Thanks for joining!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


hey guys!! I am going camping for a couple of days and won't be back till friday afternoon. Sorry for people who want to join, I will get to you as soon as i can!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

more new members

songleaf, you have an apprentice now, Snowpaw. hopefully soon you can take her to meet with starclan. Snowpaw! Snowpaw! Snowpaw!
Also I have decided to choose my deputy. Sandbreeze will be the deputy of Briarclan. Sandbreeze! Sandbreeze! Sandbreeze!

thanks for joining!

Warrior's Den

Comment here to talk to the Warriors

Apprentice's den

comment here to talk to the apprentices

Join here

Comment here if you want to join Briarclan.
Give me your:
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Description
4. Rank
5. Personality