Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Thursday, November 18, 2010


   Leaf-bare was fast approaching, and prey was already scarce. Chaos was in a dream. He stepped out of camp, knowing no one could see him, and he walked through the grass, it turning dead beneath his paws.  His ribs showed beneath his pelt and he wheezed.
     He felt sad, for what he must do, and he dug his claws into the earth. I won't have to do the things, if I just..... he thought, and held up a claw to his throat. Too bad i can't just kill myself.
       "Havoc, stop." Chaos heard a voice, and turned around to see Swiftstar standing behind him. "I know it wasn't your fault for all these kits you've killed, I know there is an even powerful source behind this, but you must tell me who." she said, her eyes pleading. Chaos stopped.
    "How did I get in the past in the first place? Was it her?" Chaos asked. "I don't know, Havoc, something called you here, something powerful, but i don't think it was the cat you were speaking of. It was your prophecy." she said.
      "It's a load of fox-dung." he spat. "I miss Muddleblaze." he said more softly. Swiftstar gazed at him thoughtfully for a long time. "I can still see the stars in your fur, if I look past the darkness shrouding your soul." she said. "You were created  by Starclan but for evil purposes. What does that make you?" she asked, but Chaos knew that she was asking herself and not him.
    "I want to stop hurting the ones I love." Chaos growled. "I hate having no mind of my own anymore." he said bitterly. "I know, Havoc, but-" "Don't call me that!" Chaos snapped, interrupting her. "That's only my name for here, but you shouldn't call me that, it brings evil." he said with a low voice, like someone was listening in.
     "It's going to overtake me soon, and lead me straight into the heart of Briarclan." he almost whimpered.
"It's coming soon, what can I do to stop it?" he asked.
    "Tell me who." Swiftstar said. Then Havoc pinned her down. He made a sound that was both a laugh and a cry.  "Never mind, just call me Havoc."


Sunday, November 7, 2010

New apprentices and more Havoc.

        "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting!" Searingstar said.
         "We have 7 kits who have reached their sixth moon, and are now ready to become apprentices." he added, smiling. "Swiftkit, Shortkit, Gazekit, Chaos, Jaykit, Shroudkit, and Muddlekit step forward.

"From this moment on, until you receive your warrior names, you shall be known as Swiftpaw, Shortpaw, Gazepaw, Chaos, Jaypaw, Shroudpaw, and Muddlepaw!" he said.

"Swiftpaw! Shortpaw! Gazepaw! Chaos! Jaypaw! Shroudpaw! Muddlepaw!" the clan chanted, and Searingstar leaped down from the branch when the brief ceremony was over.


Jaypaw smiled at her brother. But after a while, she backed away when no one was looking and went out into the forest.

"You've been abusing your gift, Jay!" Havoc growled, having to walk instead of just phasing there. "You know it's only temporary. I only brought you back because you where SCARED." he spat, clawing her face. Jaypaw recoiled. "S-sorry." she murmured.

"SORRY? You were to NOT give them courage, you were supposed to remind them of my powers. I live on the fear, and I can't have them thinking that I'm weak." he growled. Then he leaned in close. "Understand?" he spat.

Jaypaw flinched, and nodded shakily.
