Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm back! And this 'stella' problem

I am back from North Carolina!! What has it been? In like, forever since I posted. No matter, I will make changes and update the blog as soon as I can. I will try to add everyone's pictures. So don't think I don't care about this blog because I haven't posted in a long time *cough* Stella *cough* I was just unable to. My parents told me last minute, so I couldn't post about my departure.

Thank you all, every last one of you, for Standing up for me. I appreciate all the things you did. But Stella, please go away, if you don't have anything good to say about this blog, don't say anything. I am not trying to be mean. You do not suck, and your not stupid, but neither is this blog. I have worked long and hard on this blog, not to have people saying they hate this blog.


Silverleaf said...

ok one more time, not trying to be rude or anything sorry if I was. I was talking to stella, she only hates u cuzu havent been on, bad reason, but she sAID this was no fun anymore and she is gone!!! I talked to her, asked her questions, told her to leave and she did!!!! Check out my newest blog, please comment give ur full opinionm I like constructive critiscisim!

Cherry said...

sorry. i dont think i did anything. i tried to stop everyone. i think your blog rox and it is not right for anyone to critizize it. again, sorry.


ps: usally,i hate it if people arent happy. im the kind of person who thinks the world should be mostly peace. (i am NOT a hippie BTW if that is what you are thinking!)