Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Thursday, September 17, 2009


There's a contest on Horsefeathers! AHHHHHHHH! Yeah! This means, that the world will not explode, everyone will be excepted for who they are, and no global warming!

(waits as all the faces go stunned)

No, it's better than that!What's better then no more global warming, the entire human race being saved?

if you enter your name, at horsefeathers, she would hold a drawing and wo every wins gets these wonderful prizes! This is what THE COMPLETE MAKEOVER package contains!

A brand new header for the blog of your choice!

A costom made backround for the blog of your choice!Plus, throw in a blog botton for a blog of your choice!

Go to:

Also, If you put her blog botton on your blog, and postabout this contest,you will get entered THREE TIMES! Not tow, not 7 and 3/4, but three! Follow horsefeathers!

1 comment:

MadiShae said...

I need 2 move into the nursery. Blazefoot's kits. And Patchfur is DEAD.
