Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New warriors and Apprentices

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting!" Swiftstar yowled, and the clan gathered. They still worried about Frozenheart and Heatpaw.

"It is time for five apprentices to become warriors!" she yowled, and the five apprentices came up. Shadowpaw, Tricklepaw, Fallpaw, Eaglepaw, and Dewpaw.

"I, Swiftstar, Leader of Briarclan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and we condem them as warriors in their turn." She said, saying each word clearly.

"Shadowpaw, Tricklepaw, Fallpaw, Eaglepaw, and Dewpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this clan, even if it costs your lives?"
"I do" the apprentices said in unison.

"Then by the powers of starclan I give you your warrior names."

"Shadowpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Shadowdapple."

"Tricklepaw, you shall be known as Tricklesong."

"Fallpaw, you shall be known as Fallstem."

"Eaglepaw you shall be know as Eaglesky."

"Dewpaw, you shall be known as Dewleaf"

"Tricklesong! Fallstem! Eaglesky! Dewleaf!" the clan shanted and Swiftstar moved on after the new warriors moved in with the old ones. Six kits walked up, and Swiftstar gazed at her own kits, and they looked more interested than most of the other appretices.

Huh, maybe they are friends. She thought.

"Webkit, Petalkit, Blossomkit, Darkkit, Duskkit, and Ravenkit, it is time for you to become appretices." she announced.

"Webkit, you shall be known as Webpaw."
"Petalkit, you shall be known as Petalpaw."
"Blossomkit, you shall be known as Blossompaw."
"Darkkit, you shall be known as Darkpaw."
"Duskkit, you shall be known as Duskpaw."
"Ravenkit, you shall be known as Ravenpaw." she said, and Ravenpaw reminded her of Ravenstar.

He will have a great destiny. She thought.

"Webpaw! Petalpaw! Blossompaw! Darkpaw! Duskpaw! Ravenpaw!" the cats chanted, her kits most of all, But she glanced over at Turnkit, who was reacting the same way, but she shrugged it off.

All ten of them... they feel..... different... she thought, feeling some sort of extra energy radiating off of them.


All the ten cats got in a huddle as soon as the new appretices were done with the ceremony.

Breezepaw twitched. "We have to figure out the rest of our powers." Frostpaw said. "And perfect them. For whatever reason we need them, we should practice." she said, and Breezepaw almost rolled his eyes.

Yeah, practice with Hawkeyes. Can't she see that it's wrong?



✠Ember✠ said...

Darkpaw sighed "I think I figured out mine, remeber when i was fighting Hawkeyes? I didn't feel tired at all! Well for a bit, then like it ended and i felt SOOO tired, i think my power is that i cannot tire in battle, well as long as I'm using my power," He laughed his yellow eyes gleaming


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Breezepaw sighed. "I still dont' know what my power is yet, and niether does Blossompaw. I know that. We already know Ravenpaw can read minds and Willowpaw can control them. Darkoaw you can't tire out in battle, and Frostpaw can look like other cats. Petalpaw can tell if others are lying. But Me, Blossompaw, Webpaw, and Turnkit so far haven't said or developed anything." he reported.


✠Ember✠ said... Darkpaw Ravenpaw

✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw sighed "You know there are really times I wish I could see"


Darkpaw licked his brother's ear "Trust me there isn't much to see,"


(awww brother <3 )

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Oh wait, I haven't got a power either." Duskpaw said.


savortheflavor said...

After Nimblepaw had congratulated some of the other cats he stepped back so others could. He began to look round for Yellowpaw.

✠Ember✠ said...

Darkpaw smiled at his sister, "Don't worry me and Ravenpaw will help you," he laughed


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Yellowpaw padded up to Nimblepaw.

"Hey!" he said, padding up to his. *cough* Friend *cough*


Frostpaw was just about to walk over to Duskpaw, when she vanished.

"Huh?" Frostpaw siad, bewildered.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw smiled and peaked into Darkpaw's mind:

I can't belive i got that power. It pretty much BESTS everyone elses! he heard Darkpaw think. He smiled, his brother had such a BIG head, but he needed to work on his power, Darkpaw's thought seemed muffled, he needed to get better


✠Ember✠ said...

Willowpaw looked for Duskpaw "Duskpaw?" she called


savortheflavor said...

(Yes.His "friend")

Nimblepaw smiled. "Hi!"He said back to Yellowpaw.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Yellowpaw leaped onto Niimblepaw's back.

"Raah!" he said playfully.


Duskpaw looked around, and saw a cat walk over to her. It was her father.

"R-Ravenstar!" she gasped out.

"Yes, congradulations, you have discovered your power." he said in a low voice.

"WHat exactaly did I do?" she asked. Ravenstar just laughed, and she thought of one place, she knew what she could do.

She came to the dark forest, and marched up to Hawkeyes. "I found out my power" she said, and then vanished before Hawkeye's eyes.


Breezepaw sighed. "Well, I can block my thoughts. Maybe that's my power?" Breezepaw wondered.


savortheflavor said...

"Hey!"Nimblepaw said in suprise.He turned his head to see Yellowpaw. He began to shake lightly Yellowpaw off him.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Yellowpaw pinned Nimblepaw down.

"You didn't see that coming, did you?" he taunted.


savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw flicked his ear. "No,I didn't."He replied.Nimblepaw turned his head and lightly nipped Yellowpaw's paw.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Yellowpaw rolled off, pretending to be really hurt.

"Owww, you killed me!" he said dramatically.


savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw pretended to gasp. "Oh no!Yellowpaw!"Nimblepaw spoke with a fake tone.He stood up. "Live,Yellowpaw,live!"He shouted,jokingly.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Yellowpaw slit open his eyes. "Nimblepaw? Is that you?" he croaked in mock weakness.


savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw leaned over Yellowpaw. "Yes Yellowpaw!Its me!Is there anything I can do?"Nimblepaw asked with false worry.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw nodded "Maybe people can't use their powers on you," he mewed to Breezepaw


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Breezepaw's eye widened. "That would be so cool! and-" he was cut off as Duskpaw re-appeared.


☪Dream said...

*Turnkit shook.*

I-i think I can tell anything about a place... I thought about camp, then I saw... EVERYTHING!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Whoa...." Frostpaw said to Turnkit.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw smiled "Cool Turnkit!"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Duskpaw turned to Darkpaw.

"I can visit the realm of the dead!" she said in awe.


✠Ember✠ said...

Darkpaw's eyes widened "WOW!"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"This is so cool! I wish I knew what we are using these powers for, though." she said.
