Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Swiftstar leaped onto the Thickbranch, feeling confident. Where is Thunderspirit? she wondered, realizing he probably went back to Streamclan, and she sighed.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting!" She yowled and watched the cats gather.

"We have many new cats joining today! Let's welcome Rainmask, Seafeather, Wolfpaw, Leafpaw, Orchidmeadow, Lionfang, Birchtiger, Wolfstorm, and Stargaze, Wildkit, Sunkit, Redpaw, and Saphirepaw!" Swiftstar said, announcing each name.

The cats in the crowd cheered their names.

"Also, it is time for Six apprentices to become warriors!" Swiftstar said, her eyes shining with pride. "Whitepaw, Mintpaw, Frozenpaw, Owlpaw, Dawnpaw, and Poisenpaw, step forward!" she said, and the six apprentices each stepped up, one by one. The apprentices looked ready to jump out of their pelts with excitements, all except one. Frozenpaw's gaze was darkened.

Doesn't she want to become a warrior? Swiftstar thought, confused. But then the old leader remembered, and she scanned the crowd. 

Heatpaw isn't here... .she realized.... he should've become a warrior along with her...

"Whitepaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Whitetail."

"Mintpaw you shall be known as Mintsage."

"Owlpaw, you shall be known as Owlswoop."

"Dawnpaw, you shall be known as Dawnpetal."

"Poisenpaw, you shall be known as Poisenclaw."

Swiftstar paused, her eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Frozenpaw, you shall be known as Frozenheart." She said at last, and as the young warrior licked her shoulder, the clan chanted their names.

""Mintsage! Whitetail! Owlswoop! Dawnpetal! Poisenclaw! Frozenheart!" the clan chanted their names over and over, and Swiftstar was proud that Frozenheart was accepted into the clan after all.

Her clanmates didn't trust her when she first came... but I think she got better. Swiftstar thought, looking at  Frozenheart. Though her eyes narrowed. But Frozenheart  sat up, her eyes then glaring with defiance.

"Why did you let Heatpaw leave!? He should've been a warrior with us! You just don't trust him, and I know it." she snarled, and for a second, hurt flashed in her eyes, but she continued on. "Just because he came from Brokenclan! Well you know what, we were past that, that's why we came here in the first place!" she said,.

Swiftstar broke in. "But we never said-" she started, and Frozenheart cut her off. "I've seen the way you all look at us!" she said, speaking to the whole clan now. "You never trusted us!" hissing, she whipped around, pushing past Nimblepaw and Yellowpaw and out of the clearing.


Frozenheart pelted with the forest, her heart filled with anger.,.

Swiftstar will regret this...... she didn't even care that Heatpaw is gone. And now she's gonna pay, her and the whole clan for not trusting us... and i'll live up to my warrior name she gave me......




savortheflavor said...

OOC:Whoo!New post!

Nimblepaw watched Frozenheart as she shoved past him and Yellowpaw. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on.He only talked to her once or twice,remembering one of the time was hunting. He wasn't sure if he had said anything that made it sound like he didn't trust her,but he felt that she was slightly wrong stating that everyone didn't trust her.Then again,she was right that some cat didn't trust her. "What's she going on about?I got confused."He whispered to Yellowpaw.

MadiShae said...

He yawned and padded out of the warriors' den, bearlly hearing the last of the meeting.
