Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

the gathering

I'm sorry, but I went to a baseball game today, and couldn't attend the gathering, but well make the next one! Cuz the one tonite ended early, there's no point in going. Plus, I heard the conflict was really between two clans, so it wouldn't have done good anyways. Tommorrow i'll do some ceremonies and/or Kit's of sa Leader Part 4


savortheflavor said...

M'kay.I was too late for the Gathering anyway.When I finally got there they were pretty much done.From what I read there wasn't that much going on.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

yeah, and it usually lasts till 1 or so.

savortheflavor said...

I think alot of people forgot about todays Gathering.Not many Gathering posts were put up and it was only the same like 6 or 7 people commenting.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

how many comments total?

savortheflavor said...

Only 316 for this Gathering.May was 448.April was 467.This one was like at least 100 comments short of all the others.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

that figures

savortheflavor said...

Its only like 9:13.I think it should still be going on. The fact that it already ended doesn't really let other clans just come in.Which kind of isn't fair.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

i Totally agree

savortheflavor said...

totally it okay if i attack coal as eaglefeather in the battle.because i'm just so confused.

☪Dream said...

(The Gathering started at like...5:00... and it hasn't necessarily ended. Clans can still come, but most of the excitement is gone...)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

*rolls eyes* yeazh. which is basically ended

savortheflavor said...

No one is really on there.Although one person just commented at the Gathering....