Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Monday, May 10, 2010


farewell my friends

Where did you go?
Why did you leave?
Did this all happen?
Just Becuase of me?
Is this caused,
By the events from before?
Or are there more wounds,
from me that you bore?
what ever happened
to you and me?
I thought we were friends
as close as could be

whatever happened
to those times we had
whatever happened
to the times we were glad?
Where did you go?
Why Did You leave?
Did this all happen?
Just becuase of me?
I'm sorry my friend
my once long friend
but the wounds are to deep
the scars just won't mend

I can't even bare it
this hole in my heart
bloggers too much
and it's tearing my apart.

I've cryed to much
and felt more then I've had
there are no more times
when I've really been glad

When I say farewell
That whole in in my heart
little by little, stitches it's self
maybe if I'd just part

Maybe just maybe,
your could forgive me my friend
maybe, if I leave
both our hearts would mend

maybe, it would be better
if we went our seperate ways
maybe, just mabye
no one would've got hurt today

I cry and I cry
without sheding a tear
Felt more sadness
then I have in years

So goodbye my friend
Farewell, Adieu
And remember, just remeber
That I'll always love you


MadiShae said...


savortheflavor said...

Hm?Are you alright Delaney?

Rachel said...

your not deleting this blog are you??? NO!!!! :(

[Lauren] said...

Delaney, NOTHING THAT HAPPENED WITH DAWNBLAZE IS YOUR FAULT!!! You did nothing but stick up for a friend! You did the right think and I thank you! You did nothing wrong. Maybe you want to blame yourself for something but you didn't do anything! You're a really good friend and I would be really sad if you left!

Sally said...

wait. what happened now??? please don't delete all your blogs. and the poem is really good too.

☪Dream said...

Wait!? ARE YOU QUITTING!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Goldenspirit said...

What, what happened.........

savortheflavor said...

This has confused everyone...I still don't understand it.Even though you told me part of it today.I'll ask again tomorrow.

✠Ember✠ said...

Del is this just another poem u liked? I hope so cause u r awesome and if u eft I would be supa sad

Trev said...

del ive only known u for a day. but plz dont go!!, obviously ur a great person with all the people that care about you. i hoped that we could be great friends :(

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

of couce not! Just like it ;)