Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Death Angel and Light Spirit

 Seasons Later

      I looked around at the burned darkened forest. Briarclan territory. Where my family was. Where I grew up. It hasn't been the same for so long now. Not since I got kicked out, for being weak. Because I didn't want to use the power of death I had at the tips of my claws. I looked down at my paws. Bloody. But enough about my paws, I'll fill you in.
      It started the day that Blitz arrived. Not event he knew what he was getting into. But he decided to have some 'fun.' He came to Briarclan, unseen, changing the hearts of the mortal cats. Making them strong and powerful to the point where they were too strong, and too powerful. Slowly, they gained abilities. Slowly, they turned evil. And became opposite.
    You may wonder why Blitz never stopped. He's different from the Blitz that Stark told me about. Now he's always following the leader of shadows, Swiftstar, still influencing him. Some cats ran before it got too bad, before there was no 'running away.'  Havoc somehow stayed. Oh, he stayed alright, and is in Blitz's circle of elite warriors, giving Blitz 'advice.' Briarclan will never be the same.
   Brokenclan had the opposite effect. Spike did almost the same as Blitz, except shed the darkness from the cats' hearts. They became almost too good, too much justice with them, a few of the cats I know moved to their side as well. But very few. I haven't heard from anyone there in a while, I don't even dare. I was a neutral, and neutrals weren't wanted.
   When I was chased out, I took a few others with me, and we went to the rift. Snow and Birch almost killed to us on the way, thought, because Havoc sent them to guard the passage. There we met the remaining, neutral Rift cats, and a few from Brokenclan somehow came along too. We formed an alliance of the Rift.
