Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Swiftly Rising Breezy Flames

    "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting!" Swiftrise said, leaping up onto the Thickbranch. "I am proud to take my nine lives and the name of a leader for this clan, for I have returned from the moon-stream. Though we mourn for the passing of many brave warriors, we must not let the grief towards our former proud leader and his mate drag us down. I am his son as well as his successor,  for Swiftstar has claimed me herself. I will take on her name and see to it, that Briarclan is restored to the former glory of our founder and leader!" He yowled across the clan, his eyes blazing. The clan roared in approval, the cats of Briarclan seemed to support him fully. Swiftstar raised his head proudly. "And we can start first by preparing to finish Brokenclan off, for good. And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems,  had made their choice.


  No one seemed to notice that both Muddleblaze and Chaos were missing. And that was thanks to Havoc, who happened to be sitting with the others at this very meeting.
  Chaos and I look very much alike, so no one can tell the difference..... he sneered in his head. He seemed to be back in his old ways again. :I made sure I separated from him for good.... maybe I can sort out my father back to his old self....and it seems something else is going to happen in Briarclan. This will be interesting." he muttered, though no one heard. For it seemed that only he could see the shadowy figure standing beside Swiftstar, working him like a puppet. So the angel of death is having some fun....


    Many failed and successful battles had taken it's toll on Frozenstar, who passed away recently, peacefully, her position being taken up by Breezeflame, recently becoming Breezestar, who had just called his summons to Brokenclan, who muttered and growled but sat before the leader on his perch.
    "As a new leader of this strong clan, I will promise to make change." He began. "I believe that our methods in the past, with Frozenstar and other past leaders, have been faulty. It seems that for seasons, this clan has been taking a few steps forward, and equal steps back, never progressing, and never moving forward. Well no more! We will change our methods any way it takes to make our clan even stronger, whatever it takes! Even if it is, making peace." And with that, Breezestar felt a little confused. Why did he say that? But for a change, he felt a little lighter....
