Anyone Still here can join. Will start trying to make posts soon. XD

"And when they're running for the hills, let them spread the word. Briarclan is too be feared!" He said, and again, the clan roared it's approval. Starclan, it seems, had made their choice."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Combined Destinies

i made it! It is the same URL as Blue moon! Check it out! The main clan is called Duskclan.
Align Right <------- Click there to go to it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Featherkit and Lionkit

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Adderstrike has joined the clan as a warrior! Let's welcome him!

Adderstrike! Adderstrike! Adderstrike!

It is time for Featherkit and Lionkit to become apprentices!

Featherkit step forward. From now on, unll you recieve your warrior name, you shall be known as Featherpaw. Brookheart! You are ready for your first apprentice, you shall mentor Featherpaw, teach her your kindness and compassion.

Lionkit step forward. From now on, untill you recieve your warrior name, you shall be known as Lionpaw. Silverfern! You are also new to this clan, you shall mentor Lionpaw, teach him your Patience and Loyalty.

Featherpaw! Lionpaw! Featherpaw! Lionpaw!

Also, my story blog, Combined Destinies comin soon!


Dreamstar has made a new evil clan, called nightclan. Please join!


Sunday, September 27, 2009


I made Brokenclan now! Please join!

Briarpaw is missing!

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Has anyone, seen, BRAIRPAW?!?!?!?

Haven't seen her since Sunrise.


(Featherkit come rushing out, and runs right up to swiftstar)

Swiftstar! Swiftstar! There's a yucky scent by the nursery! And I smelled Briarpw!


What! It's Brokenclan! First, we will send a party to see if we can get her back unseen, but If that doesn't work, we will attack at nightfall.


(Hawkpaw and Ravenpw run up)

Swiftstar, we have to go! We have to find our sister!


OKay! I want you two, Moonmist, Silverpath, Eagletalon, and Sunfire. We don't want to much cats going, they might get suspicious! Let's go!


Saturday, September 26, 2009


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Brownspots and Sagepaw! It's time to go to the Moon-cave!

Friday, September 25, 2009

New Deputy and More

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Scarheart had her kits!

Scarheart! Scarheart! Scarheart!

And, Iceleaf is expecting kits!

Ok, so Flaming Wolf hasn't been on lately, so I will name a new deputy. I say these words, before the old deputy so that se may approve of my choice. Stormwater! I know you haven't been a warrior for long, but I trust you as my new deputy.

Stormwater! Stormwater! Stormwater!

Blackpaw, Peachpaw,and Smokepaw step forward. Spottedpath, Thunderstorm, and Glimmerfur, are your apprentices ready?


Blackpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Blackpelt, starclan honors your carefulness.

Smokepaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Smokecloud. Starclan honors your patience.

Peachpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Peachfur. Starclan honors you confidence.

Blackpelt! Smokecloud! Peachfur! Blackpelt! Smokecloud! Peachfur!

That is all.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Riverpaw and Silverpaw

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! It is time for Riverpaw and Silverpaw to become apprentices!

Weaselclaw and Skyblossom, are they ready to become Warriors?


I Swiftstar, leader of Briarclan call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and we commend them as warriors in their turn.

Silverpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Silverpath. Starclan honors your patience and endurance, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Briarclan.

Riverpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Riverclaw. Starclan honors your confidence and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Briarclan.

Silverpath! Riverclaw! Silverpath! Riverclaw!

That's all for now!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A LOT of cats

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Alot of cats have joined! Some tried to join from august! ow they have!

Silverfern, Brookheart, Goldenpelt, Dawnshadow, Lavendertail, Icepool, and Shadowraven are all joining as warriors!

Nightgaze, and Lighttail are joining as queens!

Berrykit, Emberkit, and Patchkit are joining!

Siverfern! Brookheart! Goldenheart! dawnshadow! Lavendertail! Icepool! Shadowraven! Nightgaze! Lighttail! Berrykit! Emberkit! Patchkit!

I will get to the ceremonies of the catas that have a;ready joined soon.

Sad, and good news.

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Riverpaw will need a new mentor, because Scarheart is in the nursery. Same with Iceleaf. And Gazestripe, so Riverpaw's new mentor will be Skyblossom. Briarpaw's new mentor will Stormwater. Hawkpaw's new mentor will be Streamriver!

Also, Patchfur and hawkfeather died. They were both great warrior's, but they are now in starclan. I am still needing to put a lot of poele on here! Patchkit, Emberkit, Dawnshadoow, Lightheart, and a few others. I promise I will get to you soon!

So now, wisppaw also needs a new mentor, Dappledfire! You shall be Wisppaw's mentor.

That is all for now!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


There's a contest on Horsefeathers! AHHHHHHHH! Yeah! This means, that the world will not explode, everyone will be excepted for who they are, and no global warming!

(waits as all the faces go stunned)

No, it's better than that!What's better then no more global warming, the entire human race being saved?

if you enter your name, at horsefeathers, she would hold a drawing and wo every wins gets these wonderful prizes! This is what THE COMPLETE MAKEOVER package contains!

A brand new header for the blog of your choice!

A costom made backround for the blog of your choice!Plus, throw in a blog botton for a blog of your choice!

Go to:

Also, If you put her blog botton on your blog, and postabout this contest,you will get entered THREE TIMES! Not tow, not 7 and 3/4, but three! Follow horsefeathers!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Brokenclan are attacking now! Everyone able to fight needs to fight! Whoever, go get help!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Tribe

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! I have made a tribe! It is called the tribe of lurking shadows! Please Join!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Swiftstar padded out of camp. Looking at the trees, she missed the tall pines, the shadow at every corner, easily concealing you. She missed Shadowclan. She walked through her territory, for the longest time.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt for a visit.

She stalked towards the direction of the camp. But suddenly, behind her in the bushes she heard rustling, and whispers, and then, she smelled a familiar smell.

"Ravenkit, Hawkkit and Brairkit! Come out of the bushes right now!" Then, the three kits come out form there hiding places, with guilty looks on their faces. "What are you doing out here?! You know kits can't come out of the camp alone! We've been smelling large groups of cats lately, and we don't know who, you could've been killed!"

Suddenly, five full-grown cats leaped out of the bushes, claws unsheathed.

"Who are you? This is Briarclan's territory, so I suggest you should leave!"

Ine if the cats spoke. "This is our territory now. We are Brokenclan, and I am their deputy, Smokeblaze. And we will fight for this land!" They steped forward.

Oh no! It's just me and my kits! What are we going to do?!? Wait! What am I going to do?!?

Then, somehow Briarkit, Hawkkit, and Ravenkit began to glow, almost blinding all the other cats.

"What's happening, mommy?!?" cried Ravenkit

"I feel funny in side! In a wierd way!" mewed Briarkit

Suddenly they began to grow, untill they were well muscled, full-grown cats, eyes darting around.

The prophecy, then she remembered the prophecy

"Three will come. With the shadow of a raven, the sight of a hawk, and the strength of the briar, a most powerfull force . These three will help your clan......"

This all seemed to happen in a second, then the cats leaped on us. Briarkit slashed one cat in the neck instinctively, and he feel to the ground, limp and lifeless.

They have powers, that no cat have ever seen......

And then they battled.


Heartbeats later, the battling stoped, and her three kit were kit again, and there were five motionless bodies lying on the ground. We did it, but they will come back soon.

"What happened mommy?"

"I don't remember anything"

"It's okay kits, we were just heading home."

And so.... they headed home.


Will all cats old enough to catch there own prey join here beneath the Thickbranch for a clan meeting!

Briarkit, Hawkkit, and Ravenkit step forward! From this moment on untill you recieve your warrior names, you will be known as Hawkpaw, Briarpaw and Ravenpaw!

Gazestripe! You did well with Stonefeather, I expect you will pass down all you know to young Brairpaw!

Iceleaf! You are a worthy warrior, you will mentor Hawkpaw! Teach him your skills and Quick witts!

Shadefrost! You are ready for your first apprentice, you will mentor Ravenpaw! Teaach him your loyalty and patience!

Briarpaw! Hawkpaw! Ravenpaw!

The clan cheered thier names, luoder and louder.

I know they will make great warriors.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Training Hollow

This is where the mentors and apprentices train. Also herbs can be found here.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


This a a taste of something I found on wiki

ThunderClan is the "main Clan" of the Warriors series, as all three series' protagonists are ThunderClan cats. During the Original series, ThunderClan resides in the forest, sandwiched between RiverClan and ShadowClan on each side. They share very little territory borders with WindClan, and as such most of the trouble ThunderClan is forced to deal with originates either from RiverClan or ShadowClan. ThunderClan cats are accustomed to stalking through the thick underbrush of the forest, and are the sole users of the "hunter's crouch", a stalking technique used to hunt most forest-born prey. Their main diet includes mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits, thrushes, and magpies.
ThunderClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of the New Prophecy series. During the time that Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw and the others are on their journey, much of ThunderClan's territory is destroyed as the Twolegs proceed with their deforestation of the area. Eventually ThunderClan and the other Clans are able to relocate to the lake territory, the ThunderClan camp of which is set in an abandoned quarry. The camp is protected by high walls of stone, but the surrounding territory is similar to the forest in which ThunderClan previously inhabited. As such, their sources of prey remains largely unchanged from the Original series. Like many of the other Clans, ThunderClan's role is largely undefined in this series, due to the drastic changes all Clans are forced to undergo and adapt to.

Bluestar's Prophecy
Bluestar's Prophecy covers the events of Bluestar's life and the backstory of the Clans before Firestar came into the forest in Into the Wild

Pinestar, a red-brown tom with green eyes, was the leader of ThunderClan when Bluestar was born. He only had one life left and didn't wish to lead ThunderClan anymore. He secretly left the camp and hung around the twoleg place. In Code of Clans, Lionheart one day stalked Pinestar and witnessed him being pet by a twoleg. Lionheart convinces Pinestar to tell ThunderClan that he doesn't wish to lead and continues his life as a kittypet, whiched formed the last code in the Warrior Code. At the end of Bluestar's Prophecy, Bluestar is happy to see that Pinestar has joined StarClan becuse he was there at her leader ceremony; he gave to her the gift of compassion, to judge with her heart and mind. Pinestar is father of Tigerstar, Mistkit and Nightkit and mate of Leopardfoot. Because of his departure, Tigerstar hates all the kittypets, including Firestar. Pinestar's mother was Sweetbriar, (Sweetpaw was named after her), the direct descandant of Gorseclaw, son of Birdflight and Cloudstar, so Pinestar and all his descandants are part-SkyClan.

[edit] Sunstar
'Sunstar', a bright ginger tom with yellow eyes, was the leader before Bluestar. He was the deputy of ThunderClan in Bluestar's Prophecy' and his warrior name was Sunfall. He was Bluestar's mentor, after her former mentor, Stonepelt, had to move to the elder's den. Sunstar had to encourage Bluestar every time she was down hearted. Sunstar's original deputy, Tawnyspots, had to retire early and Sunstar needed another cat to be deputy, which Thistleclaw wanted badly. Sunstar had a secret, becuase Pinestar was still alive when Sunstar had his leader ceremony, StarClan only gave him eight lives instead of nine. Sunstar soon died from being attacked by a dog. At Bluestar's leader ceremony, Sunstar gave to her the gift of courage, as she would need it. He's also Featherwhisker's brother.

[edit] Moonflower
Moonflower is a silver-gray she-cat with pale yellow eyes, mother of Bluestar and Snowfur, and mate of Stormtail. She is also littermate of Goosefeather. Moonflower and many other warriors, joined in on an attack on the WindClan camp and she had to attack the medicine cat supplies. Hawkheart, the WindClan medicine cat, killed Moonflower and used her attack for a reason for killing her. Since her death, Bluestar felt heavy with grief. At Bluestar's leader ceremony, she gave to her the gift of love, to cherish her Clan as she cherished her kits. Moonflower's also grandmother to Mistyfoot, Stonepelt, Mosskit (Bluestar's kits) and Whitestorm (Snowfur's son), great-grandmother to Graymist, Reedwhisker (Mistyfoot's kits), Sorreltail, Rainwhisker and Sootfur (Whitestorm's kits) and great-great-grandmother to Mallopaw, Sneezepaw (Graymist's kits), Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits).

[edit] Snowfur
Snowfur is a white she-cat with blue eyes and the sister of Bluestar. She and Bluestar had a strong sibling bond which was threatened by the events in Bluestar's Prophecy. She fell in love with Thistleclaw and had one kit, Whitestorm. Snowfur ends up dieing when chasing ShadowClan intruders, a monster runs her over, which causes Bluestar to go into another cycle of grief. Snowfur also told her own story about what happen to Mosskit in Secrets of the Clans. She's daughter to Moonflower and Stormtail, niece to Goosefeather (Moonflower's brother), aunt to Mistyfoot, Stonepelt and Mosskit, grandaunt to Graymist and Reedwhisker (Mistyfoot's kits), great-grandaunt to Mallowpaw and Sneezepaw (Graymist's kits), grandmother to Sorreltail, Rainwhisker and Sootfur and great-grandmother to Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits). Snowfur also found Rosetail's name (when she was in the nursery) because of her pinky-orange tail and at Bluestar's leader ceremony, she gave her the gift of pride, so that she knows her own worth and the worth of her Clan.

[edit] Thistleclaw
Thistleclaw is a black and white tom with spiky hair. He is hot-headed and egotistical, making his relationship with Bluestar quite difficult. He was also mate of Bluestar's sister, Snowfur, and father of Whitestorm. He was also mentor of Tigerstar and the cause of Tigerstar's motives. Goosefeather says that he could lead ThunderClan down a path of blood if he became a leader instead of Bluestar. Bluestar found Thistleclaw's name (when she was in the nursery) because of his spiky gray and white fur that stuck up all over the place, but is mentioned it was much softer than a regular thistle. He's also son to Poppydawn and Windflight, brother to Rosetail and Sweetpaw, grandfather to Sorreltail, Rainwhisker and Sootfur and great-grandfather to Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits).

[edit] Goosefeather
Goosefeather is a speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes and brother of Moonflower. He was the medicine cat of ThunderClan when Bluestar was born and interprets a piece of fresh-kill as a warning from StarClan that WindClan will destroy ThunderClan, causing his sister's death and injuries of others. He soon interprets a burning branch that Bluestar is fire and will burn through the ranks of ThunderClan and be destroyed from water. After that, Goosefeather seemed to go a little bit insane to the other cats in ThunderClan. He sees Tigerkit as a dangerous monster, which was true in the other Warriors books, and that Thistleclaw will lead ThunderClan to a path of blood if he is leader. He even tells Bluestar that she has to give up her kits to save ThunderClan. At Bluestar's leader ceremony, he gave to her the gift of patience, as she would need it. Goosefeather's also uncle to Bluestar and Snowfur, granduncle to Mistyfoot, Stonepelt, Mosskit (Bluestar's kits) and Whitestorm (Snowfur's son), great-granduncle to Graymist, Reedwhisker (Mistyfoot's kits), Sorreltail, Sootfur and Rainwhisker (Whitestorm's kits) and great-great-granduncle to Mallowpaw, Sneezepaw (Graymist's kits), Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits).

[edit] Featherwhisker
Featherwhisker is a pale silvery tom with amber eyes, long whiskers, and stumpy tail. He was Goosefeather's apprentice when Bluestar was born and became Spottedleaf's mentor. He was more trusted upon in ThunderClan then they trusted Goosefeather. He worked tirelessly to save his Clanmates during the greencough epidemic, which ultimately killed him. Featherwhisker was Sunstar's brother.


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Iceclan is going to be attacked by rouges! We must help them!


A want them to go when the rouges attck.

Which is NOW! cLICK ON IT!

New apprentices, and Blue Moon

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Gazestripe had her kits!

Featherkit and Lionkit!

Gazestripe! Gazestripe! Gazestripe!

Also, as I said before: Moonpaw, Hazelpaw, Jumppaw, Stormpaw, Patchpaw, and Streampaw, step forward.

I, Swiftstar, leader of Briarclan call upon our warriro ancestors to look down on these apprentices. they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and we commend them as warriors on thier turn.

Moonpaw, from this moment on you shall be know as Moonmist. Starclan honors your loyalty.

Hazelpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Hazelstripe, starclan honors your endurance.

Jumppaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Jumpfoot, Starclan honors your battle skills.

Stormpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Stormwater, Starclan honors your cunning.

Patchpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Patchfur, Starclan honors your strength.

Streampaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Streamriver, Starclan honors you bravery.

Moonmist! Hazelstripe! Jumpfoot! Stormwater! Patchfor! Streamriver!

Good job, all of you!

Also, patchkit and Emberkit are joining the clan!

Patchkit! Emberkit! Patchkit! Emberkit!

Another thing, I made a new blog called Blue Moon! Please follow!

That is all


Friday, September 4, 2009


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! I will take:


All to the gathering!! That iz all!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Ok! I really need some advice! I so really wanna make a nother blog, snd I cant handle Swiftstar's reviews anymore. I don't have team members ther, but should I Give it to someone else, or just delete it?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mistypaw and Kits

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the thickbranch for a clan meeting! Mistypaw has joined the clan!
Sparkleshine! You are new, you will mentor her, teach her your Thirst for knowledge and your smarts.

Mistypaw! Mistypaw! Mistypaw!

Silverfern has joined the clan! Silverfern! Silverfern! Silverfern!

Also, the five oldest apprentices will be warriors soon!

That is all
